Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Mental Illness Should Not Be Treated - 1598 Words

Abstract People with mental illness seen by their primary care physician, will probably not be treated for their mental illness, but just for a medical condition. When a person with mental illness is admitted to a hospital for treatment; they need treatment for their mental illness during their stay. Treatment for mental illness should not just stop because you’re in an acute hospital setting. Many people that suffer from mental illness not only need mental health treatment but also need to treat their medical health issues. These two things correlate together because by having some type of mental illness like Schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, or anxiety; it increases the chances of having some type of metabolic syndrome. This increases†¦show more content†¦Cardiovascular Disease, Lung Diseases, Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity, â€Å"are among the most common causes of death in this population† (Weir, 2013, p.36). Medications that are prescribed for mental illness contribut e to these diseases. Second- generation antipsychotics, mood Stabilizers, and anti-anxiety medications make you feel tired, lethargic and increases your appetite. Individuals don’t have the energy to participate in physical activities, they sleep most of the day away, and over eat which causes weight gain. Smoking and drinking alcohol are also risk factors that contribute to the aforementioned diseases and have a devastating health outcome. â€Å"Almost half the people living with mental illness living below the poverty line are smokers and one-third living above poverty line are smokers† (Martin Martin,2014). Some of these individuals self-medicate by drinking alcohol and by using illicit drugs. Second generation antipsychotics causes rapid weight gain in the first 4-12 weeks. Then weight gain slows down with continuous use (Usher, Park, Foster, 2013). One of the most common medical problems associated with mental illness is cardiovascular disease. This disease caus es plaque (cholesterol deposits) to accumulate in the arteries which then restricts oxygenated blood to reach the tissues of the heart. When the heart is not getting enough oxygen it begins to die and leads to a myocardial infarction. Some signs and symptoms of a myocardial

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