Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on The Effects of Divorce - 2296 Words

The Effects of Divorce Divorce in our society has become increasingly common. Fifty percent of all marriages will end in divorce and each year 2 million children are newly introduced to their parents separation, (Monthly Vital Statistics Report ). Demographers predict that by the beginning of the next decade the majority of the youngsters under 18 will spend part of their childhood in single-parent families, many created by divorce. During this confusing period of turmoil and high emotional intensity, the child must attempt to understand a complex series of events, to restructure numerous assumptions and expectations about themselves and their world. He or she may be uprooted to a new school, city or neighborhood leaving their†¦show more content†¦The role of the child becomes one of warding off the serious depression that threatens the parents and holding the parent together. Wallerstein calls these children the overburden child. They accounted for 15 percent of the children in her study. Many become angry at being trapped by the parents demands, at being robbed at their separate identity and denied their childhood. They are saddened, sometimes beyond repair, at seeing so few of their own needs gratified, (p. 41 ). Judith Wallerstein also found that divorce has long lasting psychological effect on many children, one that in fact, may turn out to be permanent. Children of divorce have vivid memories about their parens separation. The details are etched permanently in their minds, more than any other experiences in their lives. She also identified the sleeper effect as another long term implication of divorce. It is a delayed reaction to an event that happened many years earlier, (p.60). She saw many young women with acute, delayed depression which she defines as the sleeper effect and warns of its danger. It occurs when many young women are about to make decisions that have long term implications for their lives. Due to the different studies that have been followed out and the research that I have done, I expect to find many changes in children both short and long term due to the divorce of their parents. I expect that these longShow MoreRelatedDivorce And Its Effect On Divorce2098 Words   |  9 PagesThe memories of divorce have never been more sorrowful to any age group than the children of divorced parents. Although a couple’s marriage vows usually include the phrase â€Å"till death do us part,† about half of all marriages end up in divorce (â€Å"Divorce†). The reasons for divorce could be very simple as well as they could be complex. Some reasons for divorce are adultery, simple arrogance, dishonesty, insecurity, domestic and sexual abuses. 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Not only does divorce affect the adults involved, but forty percent of children in the United States will experience parental d ivorce (Portnoy, 2008). Children with divorced parents struggle with negative consequences emotionally, mentally, and academically compared to thoseRead MoreDivorce And Its Effect On Children998 Words   |  4 PagesDivorce has become very popular in the United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, on average 50% of marriages result in a failed marriage. This percentage has been at it’s all time high. Not many couples have sustained a successful marriage in present days. Divorces have been around for a long time, and unfortunately kids have always been affected the most according to their age. As a result of divorce, there are many children that have to go through this situation at a very young age

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