Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay On Obesity In African American Children - 1496 Words

Obesity among African American Children In the general population, childhood obesity has increased considerably in the current times compared to two decades ago and certain ethnic communities and races have inexplicably been affected (Rippo Angelopoulos, 2016). Kovner and Knickman (2011) state the health status of the people varies across racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Obesity among African American children has become a major point of concern in the modern society. It is evident that there are four times fewer supermarkets and lack of affordable food in the African American predominant areas compared to white neighborhoods (Whitsel, 2015). Increase the availability of healthier foods by opening more Supermarkets in the†¦show more content†¦According to Aynsley-Green (2014), many federal laws and regulations have greater impacts on the United State food supply. â€Å"The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008†, which is also known as the 2008 U.S. Farm Bill, supports my proposed policy (Aynsley-Green, 2014). Through the U. S. Farm Bill, a lot of money is allocated to nutrition programs, which improve the health conditions of African American neighborhoods at large (Aynsley-Green, 2014). This program was designed to provide grants to farms, food hubs, and the food enterprises that process, distribute, or store locally or regionally produced food products (Aynsley-Green, 2014). Since the regulations governing commerce in the U.S locale are well understood by the investors within the United States, establishment and operations of such supermarkets can be done (Aynsley-Green, 2014). Moreover, this bill creates strides in supplying low-income Americans with improved access to healthy as well as locally produced foods (Aynsley-Green, 2014). Analysis of the Methods Used to Influence Policy Makers or Legislators to Support the Policy According to Milstead (2014), there are so many ways of influencing legislature in order to support a given policy created by different organizations or individuals, provided they areShow MoreRelatedEssay On Obesity In African American Children1524 Words   |  7 Pages Obesity in African American children between the ages of 2-19. Obesity in African American children has been found to be much higher than in Caucasian American children. There is almost a 6% disparity between them. Alarmingly, this continues to grow and is currently affecting younger children in the African communities. 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