Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Resolving Leadership Problems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Resolving Leadership Problems - Assignment Example nal and as the result, many organizations around the world are now facing the complex problem of creating and acquiring leaders to take the most difficult decisions and ensure success of their organizations. For this report, the paper will consider case study of ABC organization that has been able to ensure its survival in the corporate world. ABC was one of the manufacturing firms until 2012; however, in June 2013, the company’s CEO resigned away, and since then, there has been a gap in terms of leadership in the company. The owners tried bringing in new CEO in the company but it is not working the way it used to be during the time of previous CEO. The employees are suddenly unhappy about their work and there have been issues regarding decision-making in the firm. Now the owners have decided to resolve this issue by June 2014 and for that, they desire the following state of the company: Analysis of company’s records has indicated that the ABC Company was making US$4 million on quarterly basis until 2012; however, since after quarter of January to March 2013, the company has been making only US$2 million on average. Owners of the company desire to bring back company sales to at least US$3.5 million by September 2014. In addition, there have been various conflicts regarding decision-making and owners would like to see satisfied employees in the company that will ensure long-term success of the company. In order to resolve any complex problem whether it be a problem related to resolving leadership problems or a problem related to reforming education, it is very imperative that change agents ensure consensus (Kaufman, Oakley-Browne, Watkins, & Leigh, 2003) at the time of problem identification, as well as at the time of deciding its solution. Unfortunately, sometimes, change agents try to employ their tested solutions at an organization without understanding differences in context and without acquiring consensus of the stakeholders and that result in chaos and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Chipotle Mexican Grill Essay Example for Free

Chipotle Mexican Grill Essay Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. is a chain of restaurants located in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and France, specializing in burritos and tacos. Its name derives from chipotle, the Mexican Spanish name for a smoked and dried jalapeno chili pepper. The restaurant is known for its large burritos, assembly-line production and use of natural ingredients. The company has released a mission statement called Food with Integrity, which highlights its efforts in using organic ingredients,[3] and serves more naturally raised meat than any other restaurant chain. Chipotle is one of the first chains of fast casual dining establishments. Founded by Steve Ells in 1993, Chipotle had 16 restaurants (all in Colorado) when McDonalds Corporation became a major investor in 1998. By the time McDonalds fully divested itself from Chipotle in 2006, the chain had grown to over 500 locations. With more than 1400 locations in 43 U. S. states, Washington, D. C. , two Canadian provinces, the United Kingdom, and France, Chipotle had a net income in 2012 of US$278 million and a staff of 37,310 employees. Chipotle Mexican Grill in 2012 2012 has been the year of Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG -0. 92%). The stock is an absolute superstar, hitting 37 new record highs so far, according to CNBC. -When the company went public in January 2006, the stock doubled on its first day from $22 per share to close at $44 per share. At late of Febuary 2012, Chipotles stock price had climbed to $380-$385,up more than 80% since january 1,2011 and up 334% since january. Chipotle shares traded at $421. 37 Mar 27, and are up nearly 26% this year. Over the last 12 months, the stock has gained 65%. Chipotles run has obviously been the subject of much chatter among investors. Why is this stock so high, and how much further can it go? Many investors think that Chipotles numbers are just headed up, and the stock has room to grow as well. Chipotles growth is mentioned with the launch of ShopHouse, the Asian-themed restaurant the company has opened in Washington D. C. ShopHouse has been wildly popular with little to no advertising. The success had opened up the possibility that Chipotle could very well strike gold a second time. The company isnt saying much about whether it will expand ShopHouse, but investors are certainly pricing the idea into Chipotle shares. Chipotle has no debt and about $400 million in cash, according to Seeking Alpha. And Chipotle is in that best-of-both worlds position because it can compete directly with fast food, but also stand up against more upscale restaurants, such as Panera Bread (PNRA -1. 01%). Finally, Chipotle is gunning for international expansion, recently opening new locations in London and planning one for Paris.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The eye :: essays research papers

How Do We See?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Seeing involves more than opening our eyes. Through simple and fun experimentation the class will learn how the interaction of light, the eyes and the brain create the world we see. How Do We See?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Our eyes are constantly feeding information to us. When we are born our eyes need time to get used to seeing and understanding what exactly it is that you are seeing. Given time and experience the eyes learn to take in light, focus it and send information to our brain.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All that you have experienced to this point has involved seeing and gaining an understanding of all that goes on around you. Most of what you see involves a knowing of it from previous experiences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We perceive things. We build perception. Perception is not determined simply by looking at something but by our brain searching for the best conclusion of all the available information. When perception is wrong we are confused. Sometimes the eyes and brain come to the wrong conclusion and we get an illusion or hallucinate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When you look at something your eyes are sending information about color, shape, movement, depth and distance to your brain. Then the brain puts it all together so that you can identify the whole object. Seeing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first thing one need understand about seeing is that if there is no light one cannot see. We are all able to see because light is bouncing off just about everything. There is more to seeing than meets the eye. When you look at an object you are seeing light that is bouncing or reflecting off of that object. Our eyes can take in light directly from a source, like looking at a light bulb, or indirectly after light bounces off of things like the moon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When light bounces off of the surface of an object some light is absorbed and some light is reflected. We see only the light that is reflected or bounces off the object, so if you look at something that is blue that something you are looking at is absorbing all of the other colors and bouncing the color blue back at you.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second thing to understand about seeing is the eye and brain connection. The eyes are one of the most important tools we have to gather information for our brain. The Eyes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Light passes through a transparent part of the eye called the cornea. The cornea is a lens which bends light inward.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Does gay marriage threaten the family Essay

The question is clear does gay marriages threatens the family? To my belief yes it does with a capital Y. It is for a very simple reason that it nullifies the basic web of the society, the family. By the term alone, for instance if a two male person established among themselves what they so called â€Å"conjugal love or the so called domestic partnership â€Å"who would be called the mommy and the dad. If they have children by adoption or from the other partner would that child not be confused that his or her mom is physically and physiologically like his dad? In this aspect it also waters down the dignity of a man and that of a woman. For all we know yes we are created equal but were given recognition that each one has his and her role to play. And that part cannot be taken away by some whims of only few individuals. In fact, it is everyone’s concern to value his masculinity and for the woman her femininity. Those who can not recognize this fact is in no way no longer care for respect for the right reason. Ralph Wedgewoods justifications are like a mens rea. Justification does not eliminate one’s malicious act. He justifies gay marriages by attacking the evils in marriages. He could have forgotten that he is once a product of a basic family of a union between a man and a woman. Divorce, children born out of wedlock, abandonment, etc. are ills to our society but must not be taken into account that since we have this evil, marriage is doomed. In fact, a holy marriage is a sanctuary, a place where we could raise good citizens of the world. When love is lacking between a complete man and a complete woman, how can we be so sure that love between the same sexes is less chaotic? I do not deny the value of clean friendship here; same sexes could love each other in a platonic and respectful way. Giving into licentiousness already debases the human dignity, and that dignity is for everyone. Perfect union is only enjoyed by legitimate love. Anything outside of it is simply lust. And when lust diminishes convulsion of consciences regains unless that conscience has had hardened its heart not being able to conceive what is right and what is wrong. Maggie Gallagher’s discusses in her book â€Å"What is Marriage for? †. That gay marriage is nothing new. It could be accepted in Massachusetts and may infiltrate the 50 states of America. Marriage is defined as giving a legal ground for sexual desires of adult individual but it has more to offer. Well it is not simply institutionalizing a marriage and begetting children. It is beyond that. Moreover it is not only for the elite. But justice dictates that if a man and a woman can not properly raise a child it is better for him and her to live continence. Many have fallen into the ifs’ and buts’ of marriage, but if we could only look at one direction and try to research what it really mean to be. Finally, everyone could have a conclusion that marriage is never a license but more of a gift of faith and love. Matrimony is defined in the Humane Vitae (Human life) as Married love which is far from being the effect of the result of blind evolution of the natural forces in which husband and wife through mutual gift of themselves perfect themselves as one in cooperating with God for generating new lives. It is a love that is total. How many have come in to marriage without valuing this basic requirement? They are the ones on the event of sorrows of daily life ran away from their commitment. It is them who forget that married love is faithful and exclusive until death. They never thought that it is a real commitment and not just a sharing of domestic problems. â€Å"Marriage and conjugal love are ordained toward procreation and education of children which are the supreme gift of marriage. † (VI, 1968) This always includes responsible parenthood and the observance of the natural law. Marriage between same sex is not only a direct defiance to God’s will who have created the whole universe but a rendering injustice to ones self. A man with a common sense knew that anything unnatural is a hoax. Never would a man find complete ecstasy on any union that is filled with guilt and full of perversion. In Kerry Howley`s debate, she stresses more on the political side of the issue. The author could have forgotten one dimension of marriage. This social institution is not only bounded by a certain state but is treated more of a sacrament. The unions between spouses are not only by civil norms but out bounds the soul. Religion, the church, and God who created you and me have institutionalized marriage to be the seed of His elects. Here we are not negating the rights of lesbians and homosexuals, in fact our society of today are more civil with them and accepted them as creative and respectable individuals. But to carry on an error of licentiousness we are just debasing their human existence. There are always limitations where we can not be what we want but in the eye of a believer of truth he could see beyond even if his eyes are closed. Let consciences be heard and man will bend his knees, for all we know – something out there is of greater value, more precious than gold. Our soul and its eternal end.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ponzi Scheme

Introduction A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation. Objectives We learn how it started. We learn the key elements in running a Ponzi scheme. We learn how big a Ponzi schemes can get. We learn how a Ponzi scheme falls apart. We learn how to identify and avoid being involved in a Ponzi scheme. Methodology- This topic is from a secondary source. The scheme is named after Charles Ponzi, who became notorious for using the echnique in 1920.Ponzi did not invent the scheme (for example, Charles Dickens' 1844 novel Martin Chuzzlewit and 1857 novel Little Dorrit each described such a scheme), but his operation took in so much money that it was the first to become known throughout the United States. Five Key Elements in running a Ponzi Scheme: 1) The Benefit: A promise that the investment will achi eve an above normal rate of return. The rate of return is often specified. The promised rate of return has to be high enough to be worthwhile to the investor but not so high as to be unbelievable.Madoff, that had a great deal of credibility as he had been in the investment business since 1960. Madoff had also been the chairman of the board of directors of NASDAQ, an American stock exchange. The estimated losses from the Ponzi scheme are in between 34 and 50 billion U. S. dollars. Unravelling / Fallout of a Ponzi scheme -When a Ponzi scheme is not stopped by the authorities, it sooner or later falls apart for one of the following reasons

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Biography of Calvin Coolidge, the 13th US President

Biography of Calvin Coolidge, the 13th US President Calvin Coolidge was the 30th President of the United States. He is often described as unusually quiet, though he was known for his dry sense of humor. Coolidge was a small-government Republican who was popular among conservative middle-class voters. Calvin Coolidges Childhood and Education Coolidge was born on July 4, 1872, in Plymouth, Vermont. His father was a storekeeper and local public official. Coolidge attended a local school before enrolling in 1886 at the Black River Academy in Ludlow, Vermont. He studied at Amherst College from 1891-95. He then studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1897. Family Ties Coolidge was born to John Calvin Coolidge, a farmer and storekeeper, and Victoria Josephine Moor. His father  was a justice of the peace and actually delivered  the oath of office to his son when he won the presidency. His mother died when Coolidge was 12. He had one sister named  Abigail Gratia Coolidge. Sadly, she died at age 15. On October 5, 1905, Coolidge married  Grace Anna Goodhue. She was well educated and ended up getting a degree from the Clarke School for the Deaf in Massachusetts where she taught elementary aged children until her marriage. Together she and Coolidge had two sons:  John Coolidge and Calvin Coolidge, Jr. Calvin Coolidges Career Before the Presidency Coolidge practiced law and became an active Republican in Massachusetts. He began his political career on the Northampton City Council (1899-1900). From 1907-08, he was a member of the Massachusetts General Court. He then became Mayor of Northampton in 1910. In 1912, he was elected to be a Massachusetts State Senator. From 1916-18, he was the Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts and, in 1919, he won the Governors seat. He then ran with Warren Harding to become Vice President in 1921. Becoming the President Coolidge succeeded to the presidency on August 3, 1923, when Harding died from a heart attack. In 1924, Coolidge was nominated to run for president by the Republicans with Charles Dawes as his running mate. Coolidge ran against Democrat John Davis and Progressive Robert M. LaFollette. In the end, Coolidge won with 54% of the popular vote and 382 out of 531 electoral votes. Events and Accomplishments of Calvin Coolidge’s Presidency Coolidge governed during a relative calm and peaceful period between the two world wars. Nevertheless, his conservative beliefs helped make significant changes to immigration laws and taxes. The Immigration Act of 1924 reduced the number of immigrants allowed into the U.S. so that only 150,000 total individuals were allowed in each year. The law favored immigrants from Northern Europe over Southern Europeans and Jews; Japanese immigrants were not allowed in at all.In 1924 and 1926, taxes were cut that had been imposed during  World War I. The money that individuals were able to keep and spend helped contribute to the speculation that eventually would lead to  the fall of the stock market  and contribute to the  Great Depression.​In 1924, the Veterans Bonus passed through Congress despite Coolidges veto. It provided veterans with insurance redeemable in twenty years.In 1927-28, Congress tried to pass farm relief bills allowing the government to buy crops to support farm prices. Coolidge vetoed this bill twice, believing that government had no place in setting price floors and ceilings.In 1928, the Kellogg-Briand Pact was created among fifteen countries who agreed that war was not a viable method for settling international disputes. It was created by Secretary of State Frank Kellogg and French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand. Post-Presidential Period Coolidge chose not to run for a second term in office. He retired to Northampton, Massachusetts and wrote his autobiography; he died on January 5, 1933, of a coronary thrombosis. Historical Significance Coolidge was president during the interim period between the two world wars. During this time, the economic situation in America seemed to be one of prosperity. However, the foundation was being laid for what would become the Great Depression. The era was also one of increased isolationism after the close of World War I.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Matter of Detail in a Descriptive Essay

The Matter of Detail in a Descriptive Essay The Matter of Detail in a Descriptive Essay Descriptive essays are essay writings that tend to create deeply involved and vivid reader’s experience. The best essays of this form achieve this open effect by the use of detailed observations and descriptions and not through facts and statistics. These forms of essays are meant to outline the reality with the help of words. Identifying an Idea and Describing It It is normally important to identify exactly what one wants to describe. In addition, mostly descriptive essays tend to focus on the following elements: Experience A certain place A memory A specific object The ultimate focus of descriptive writing is to give details about above-mentioned topics for the reader to clearly imagine the picture in his/her head. Reasons for Writing a Descriptive Essay First, descriptive essays depict what one observes as its core reason. They are normally based on certain agendas and events. Understanding this helps one to focus on the description and imbue ones language with a particular emotion. While writing a descriptive essay one should show the imagery of an idea without telling it. The following examples give the difference between showing and telling. I got tired of taking banquet. As I rested my head against the pinnacle of the chair, my eyelids started to get heavy, and the ends of the empty plate in front of me was blurred with the white table cloth. The initial sentence tells the reader what you got tired of, which was dinner. The second shows exhaustion. The most efficient descriptive essays are gauged by how they effectively show an action the way it happened. This is because they enable readers and the audience to imagine and experience the act matching the description. What is more, it is normally important to focus on the five senses that are closely connected with the detailed side when writing a captivating essay. These include: Sight Sound Smell Touch Taste When one writes his/her descriptions based on the five senses they provide a clear and precise picture to the readers rather than telling them their intentions and thoughts. Quick Guidelines for Writing a Descriptive Essay Jotting down a descriptive essay can seem like an easy task but it can be quite complicated. So it’s normally important to have a quick checklist of questions to guide you through when arranging, drafting, and modifying your essay work. Preparation of a Descriptive Essay Identify the description you want to give. Enlist your reasons for the description. Decide on areas to implore emphasis on. Draft Your Descriptive Essay Choose the senses and textures that are significant for developing the description. Include details that will enable the readers to have a clear impression of your emotion and point of view during your description. Revise Your Description Essay Check for minor details that might have been left out but are vital. Remove any unnecessary wordings in the essay. Check to see whether each paragraph deals with a distinct aspect of the description. Always revise your choice of words to ensure that they describe your intended emotions. Evaluate whether sufficient detail has been included to enable the readers to get a clear and precise picture of your description. To sum up the guidelines given above, it is necessary to mention the importance of detailed writing in descriptive essays. With the help of a thorough depiction of things, readers have the opportunity to picture them in their minds and that is the main purpose of descriptive writing. At you can buy a descriptive essay online, 100% custom written from scratch by top-rated academic experts. Place your order now!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Where Should You Take the ACT

Where Should You Take the ACT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You don't want to walk in the morning of the ACT only to find you have to take the test on a super-tiny desk. If you're preparing for the ACT, you've probably spent a lot of time studying and getting ready for the test. But you probably haven't given that much thought to the physical location of your test (especially if you're taking it as a part of your state’s mandatory testing). However, the place you take the ACT could definitely affect your performance. Read our guide to choosing the best possible ACT test location so you can knock it out of the park. How to Search for Test Locations Before we can even talk about what makes a good center, we need to go over how to find those test centers to begin with. Keep in mind this guide is intended for students taking the test outside of mandatory state testing sessions. If your high school requires you to take the ACT, you won't be able to choose the location for that session of the test. But if you sign up on your own, you will be able to chose. The ACT website has two test center search methods – one that’s easier to use but less detailed, and one that’s more cumbersome but gives you more info. We’ll tell you about both. Method One: ACT’s Test Center Search The easiest way to start looking for an ACT Test Center is to use the search feature on ACT’s website. This basic search method allows you to search by country, state, and city. Image via the ACT Student website. The upside is that this is a quick method, and you don’t have to begin registering for the test. The downside is that since you can only search by city and state, and not zip code/distance, you might overlook test centers close to you. However, for some states, this basic method might be all you need. For example, in Rhode Island, there are only two test centers that offer the test on all ACT dates, and eleven centers total. If you live in RI, that would probably make your choice of test center pretty straightforward, unless you want to consider options over the border. Eight of the eleven possible test centers in Rhode Island. The basic ACT Test Center search doesn't allow students in Rhode Island to easily see options over the state border. Image via the ACT Student website. But for big states like California and Texas, you might need a more fine-grained search to be able to sort through the options closest to you. If that's the case, you may want to consider the second search method. Method Two: Begin to Register for the ACT Unfortunately, the best method for an ACT test center search is within the test registration process. You don’t have to complete your registration, but use this method if you want to do a more efficient search by zip code. For some reason, both the SAT and the ACT only let you search test centers by zip code once you’ve begun to register. Once you begin to register for the ACT, you can search for test centers by zip code. Image via the ACT Student website. The registration search method will give you a list of the test centers nearest to you. This is especially helpful if you live close to a different city or even a state line, as it will show you options over the border. A list of possible test centers found with the zip code search. Note that using this method you can still view which test centers still have space available. Image via the ACT Student website. So if you use this search method and see that you have a lot of options, how do you choose the best test center? Your choice depends on a few important factors, which we will cover in order of importance. How Far Away is the Center? You don’t want to risk a travel crisis the morning of the ACT. For that reason alone, it’s wise to choose a test center as close to your home as possible. In most cases, the closer, the safer, especially if traffic or weather issues arise. Also think about the parking and/or drop-off situation at the location. A high school parking lot might be crazy the morning of the ACT. In any case, always give yourself more time than you think you’ll need to get to the ACT on time. This is not the morning to be late! Do You Know the Building? Once you’re inside the center, you’ll be less stressed out if you know how to get around. For example, if it’s your own high school, even if you’re headed to a room you’ve never had a class in, you’ll likely be able to find it easily. This means less unnecessary stress on test day. However, if you’re in a different high school or university building, and have to go looking for your test room, that could cause unnecessary stress, especially if you take a wrong turn or get lost. If you have to go to an unfamiliar location (say if your high school doesn’t offer the ACT) you might consider scoping out the center ahead of time. Will You Run Into Friends? Will seeing friends or classmates at the ACT relax you, or stress you out? For some students, seeing their friends and talking before the test could help them relax and focus. For others, seeing classmates could remind them of competition and college application stress, so being with strangers might be more relaxing. There is no problem with being either type of person. But be introspective and try to decide if being with familiar faces will be good or bad for you, and plan accordingly. If you'll be especially stressed out by familiar faces, you might consider traveling a bit farther to go to a different test location. Are There Issues With the Test Center? Aside from the big issues of location and people present, there could be other, unexpected issues that make a test center better or worse. What are the rooms like? For example, windowless rooms can be oppressive and stressful for some students. For others, sitting by a window could be distracting. Does the room have decent temperature control? You don’t want to be taking the ACT either uncomfortably hot or cold. If the high school across town has AC and yours doesn’t, you might prefer to go across town, especially if you're taking the ACT in June. Think about other possible problems with the test center. Is there construction happening nearby that could be distracting? Odd smells or lighting issues? There are things that could unexpectedly cause problems the morning of the test. If you're easily distracted, make sure to scope out potential test centers carefully. They came in like wrecking ball... and ruined your concentration during the ACT. Avoid test locations with nearby construction sites! Image via Wikipedia. Finally, think about desk size. The bigger the desk or table you get to use, the easier, since you’re going to be juggling your answer sheet and test booklet. Trying to cram everything onto a tiny desk is an annoyance you might not want to deal with on test day. Should I Just Test at my High School? After going through all these different potential testing locations and issues, you might think that just going to your high school is the best option. This is likely the case for many students, but consider the following potential problems before you register. First, as we discussed above, being around friends and classmates can be stressful for some students. Will familiar faces distract you or stress you out? You might want the â€Å"blank slate† experience of going to a different location. Second, is there a closer location? Don’t underestimate morning-of travel and weather issues. If you commute across town to go to school, going to a location closer to home could save you morning-of travel time and stress. Are there known issues with your high school, like small desks, lack of heating/cooling, or a nearby construction project? You might want to seek out a different test center at a local University or different high school for a better testing environment. Do you tend to lose focus in environments you’re used to? Some people prefer the environment of a new testing center. Of course, for others, being in familiar locations is less stressful. That said, if you don't have any of those issues, your high school can be the best bet since you’re familiar with it. Personally, I took the ACT at my high school and found it much less stressful than going to a different location for my SAT Subject Tests. I happened to live within walking distance of my high school, and I liked having a short walk the morning of the test to calm my nerves. Plus, since I wasn’t worried about finding the testing room, I was at ease that morning. In contrast, I found it stressful to drive to different location for the SAT subject tests and deal with finding my testing room in a big University building I’d never been to before. Remember, the best testing environment for you is all about your preferences and test-taking style. Take your own concerns and issues into account when choosing your test center. Other Tips Be aware of test center closings. Sometimes the ACT has to close test centers before a test due to weather or other unforeseen issues. Check your email carefully in the weeks and days leading up to the test in case this happens to your test center. Drive to the testing location before the morning of the test if you’ve never been there. Don’t rely on your GPS to get you there without problems the morning of. There could be problems with the route, or the address given might not take you to the right entrance. If you make the drive before the morning of the test, you can make sure to avoid any last-minute crises. If you have a long drive the morning of, pack your breakfast with you to save time. You could put together a playlist for the drive as well. Either choose relaxing music if you tend to stress out, or music that will get you amped if you need some extra motivation! You could also bring along some flashcards or practice problems to get your brain going in the car. If you’ve already registered but decide you want to switch locations, you can change your ACT location after registering, but there’s a $28 fee and locations fill up the closer you get to the test. So if you want to change, do it quickly. Better yet, research your test center options before you register. What’s Next? Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall with your ACT studying? Get advice from our 36 perfect-scorer. Even if you’re not going for a 36 yourself, these tips will give you the motivation you need to get through these last few weeks of studying. Try out some full-length ACT practice tests. Being used to the format, length, and pacing of the ACT will help you build stamina and feel confident and relaxed on test day. Want other test day tips? Find out what to do – and what not do to! – the night before and morning of. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Juvenile Delinquency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Juvenile Delinquency - Essay Example Both the individual and the society are to be blamed for crime commission because as much as an individual may or may not wish to commit a crime, there must be some reasons for him to do so, most of which are based on social issues. Juvenile delinquency can be explained using different theories that try to illustrate why minors engage in illegal behaviors. Theories that have been put forth to support the concept of why minors engage in criminal activities includes differential association theory, strain theory, rational choice theory, and labeling theory (Schmalleger, 2010). I believe rational choice theory can be used to explain the behaviors of young offenders. This theory is based upon the argument that every person has a capability of using his intelligent thinking when committing any crime. Similarly, social behavior is an antagonism of a sequence of behavioral acts that are influenced by rational people. This indicates that Justin’s criminal acts are because of particular beliefs and values of the society. Further, juveniles often calculate the gains or the costs to be incurred when they engage in criminal activity (Schmalleger, 2010). Due to this, they decide to commit the crime because there is a possibility to maximize the gains or the general utility process. For instance, they decide to participate in gang activity in order to get money to assist their families (Schmalleger, 2010). There is a supposition that all actors are quite conscious of the means and the values needed to carry out a crime. They first gather, organize, and analyze data so that they can come up with the most practical options. They examine the choices available around them, a process that is then interpreted into the whole society. In this case, it is imperative that Justin is advised that criminal behaviors are illegal and if caught, the consequences are severe. With this in

Friday, October 18, 2019

E-Learning and Business Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

E-Learning and Business Training - Essay Example The aims of this research are to describe the use of educational technologies in a business management context. That is, we seek to understand if business training methods and educational directives are supported by e-learning, adaptive to e-learning, and provide the appropriate tools, training and resources to students and business professionals that may use E-learning as a training resource. The research study expects to reveal opportunities businesses to develop E-learning training strategies. Management theory and E-Learning research are used to understand obstacles and opportunity in reaching training goals. This paper makes a conclusion that business management often involves stages that overlap between the training and employee growth, as well as knowledge and information management. Business needs traditionally include: cost management, scheduling, equity and debt. When a business hires an employee, that employee must be trained, and very often there are continuous training needs, like annual diversity training or monthly sales training. The nature of the research proposal is to use input from multiple sources to understand and identify E-learning training management models. Information will be gathered from books, journal articles and individual surveys. This will allow for evidence to support activities of E-Learning in business training. The resources necessary to complete this research is the development and distribution of the survey, as well as book, journal and other historical evidence.

Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Answers - Essay Example Places which were previously cold have now diseases of warmer climates due to movement of carriers of such diseases into these new regions because of suitable weather conditions. Toxicity diseases with unusual symptoms will start to emerge mainly eco-toxic disease in Canada due to long term exposure to chemical such as DDT and PCB’s. Apart from that diversity in population will increase as immigrants will continue to move into Canada. Effect of this has both positive and negative impacts. There will be healthier immigrants shifting into new environments but at the same time there will be some who’ll bring diseases of their native environments hence requiring extra precautionary measures to be taken. By 2020 the population dominance of Canada will be belonging to seniors and children and the major rises will be felt in three major states of Canada hence increasing inter state competition for getting highest health budget allocated. Hence we can infer from this that disea ses related to old age will spike up requiring additional efforts for curing diseases. However the efforts being put in today for better health and curing illnesses will resolve occurrences of diseases related to certain type habits. ... Apart from the mentioned trends the authorities have to b e proactive and react to the predicted scenarios by taking strong steps. People all around Canada in schools, offices, on the streets should be made well aware of importance of staying fit and healthy. A prototype of a system should be created which shall integrate the medical records of people. The system of health care that we know today will be quite different in 2020 which will look into all factors including diversity, taking extra care of patients and use of new technology. Explain how health psychology can make a contribution to health promotion. Where appropriate, use eating behavior which leads to obesity as an example. Ans: Health is something which everyone desires and staying healthy throughout is a dream for everyone. Yet normally no one makes significant efforts on daily basis to live this dream. Health like other things you want comes with effort. There are many things in our daily routine which if we ignore can make significant improvement in our health and on the contrary there are things which will only take little time of our day but by doing that we can stay healthy. For knowing these things awareness is needed. Either people can be made aware directly or we can influx awareness in their minds which will subconsciously make them put in effort to stay healthy or avoid unhealthy habits . Health psychology can help us achieve this task. The purpose of Health Psychology is to create awareness among groups of population regarding health. By creating this awareness segments of population previously involved in bad health habits can take a positive step towards moving towards a healthier lifestyle which will help them have a better and secure life ahead free from

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Adjustment Letter Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Adjustment Letter Case Study - Assignment Example Late delivery may adversely affect the stakeholders in case the Hesse decides to withdraw their account. However, their long-term relationship may favour restoration of good will. The letter will address the acceptance of the company to refund the fee of $3200. Acceptance of the return will help address the primary demand of Hesse. It will send an apology due to late delivery and poor communication to the Hesse. It will also include an explanation for failure to pick goods as agreed and provide a future solution in case of similar incidents. The cause of the late delivery resulted from communication failure. Thus, the new quality control measure will make sure of an efficient communication system. Effective communication system will ensure in case of nay changes in company Hesse, and other customers get information. In addition, the service will work even on holiday days to make sure communication flows well. Physical environmental factors. For example, the break in on Coastal Moves resulted to disabled of access cards and loss of company laptops with some access codes. Disabling of access cards gave the company a setback in line of communication. Thus, this will help in justifying an apology to

English Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English - Research Proposal Example Introduction Currently, there are numerous changes in education of poor and minor students. Funding for their education should be increased. The American government should be interested in promotion and support of the future generation. Disparities between social groups in the American society are evident: â€Å"While some states rightfully have focused their attention on equitably funding their school districts, others have done little to close their funding gaps, and some gaps have grown even larger† (â€Å"Funding Gap†, 2004). The students’ achievements are guaranteed by proper investments of the American government. The state policy-makers should realize the fact that it is very important to provide poor students or ethnic minorities with the challenging curriculum, high-quality teachers, inspiration power of education and a regular control over the students’ successes. Therefore, it is argued further on that federal funding of education for students f rom poor or ethnic minority families should be guaranteed in the name of a sound nation, because education in the modern global world is the first and foremost issue of concern. Argument 1. Nowadays, there is a growing ethnic and social gap in America and the officials often claim that it is beyond their abilities to control education quality of children from ethnic minority families. ... es – could yet have a catastrophic effect on the competitiveness of an American workforce already under pressure from the emerging Asian economies of China and India† (Foster, 2012). Therefore, it is evident that it is beyond the abilities of the American government to take control over a coming childbirth potential of ethnic minority families, but the government is able to develop favorable conditions for a sound development of these families by making proper investments in education of their children. A future generation of Americans can be in a great trouble in case the government will not think about investments in education of ethnic minorities. Argument 2. It cannot be denied that children from poor families are the most vulnerable members of the society. Every day they should realize the fact that they are educated in a challenging and a favorable atmosphere. In accordance with recent data, children from poorer districts do not have enough resources for their deve lopment. It is evident that children from poor families do not have enough opportunities to develop their talents, and they need effective governmental support. Data on funding gaps is the following – in Illinois and New York the states have experienced the largest controversies in funding: â€Å"more than $2,000 per student; in Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Texas are among the states with funding gaps greater than $900 per student† (â€Å"Funding Gap†, 2004). These figures are impressive, and it is evident that every student should be treated individually in order to find appropriate financial funds for a proper investment. Argument 3. The educational opportunities for the students from ethnic minorities or poor families should be friendlier. These children have suffered

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Adjustment Letter Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Adjustment Letter Case Study - Assignment Example Late delivery may adversely affect the stakeholders in case the Hesse decides to withdraw their account. However, their long-term relationship may favour restoration of good will. The letter will address the acceptance of the company to refund the fee of $3200. Acceptance of the return will help address the primary demand of Hesse. It will send an apology due to late delivery and poor communication to the Hesse. It will also include an explanation for failure to pick goods as agreed and provide a future solution in case of similar incidents. The cause of the late delivery resulted from communication failure. Thus, the new quality control measure will make sure of an efficient communication system. Effective communication system will ensure in case of nay changes in company Hesse, and other customers get information. In addition, the service will work even on holiday days to make sure communication flows well. Physical environmental factors. For example, the break in on Coastal Moves resulted to disabled of access cards and loss of company laptops with some access codes. Disabling of access cards gave the company a setback in line of communication. Thus, this will help in justifying an apology to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Daily Assignment 8&9 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Daily 8 - Assignment Example They claim that paternalism is essential when preferences do not match the choice frame and paternalism is guided by the failure to validate the preference of welfare to liberty. According to Thaler and Sunstein, Paternalism occurs when organizations or planners adopt policies or decisions that have positive impacts on the options of the non-planners. They argue that paternalism is inevitable since people do not want to make their own decisions even after being coerced by planners to do so. People are also unable to assess the benefits of the decisions they make and the planners are always benevolent such that if two options are available and only one is beneficial to both parties, they will adopt that one. Thaler and Sunstein believe that paternalism should not be coercive and morally demeaning. They assume that individuals behave according to the expectations of the economic models and do not act voluntarily and rationally for their own benefit. The argument that 60% of Americans are either obese or overweight shows that they believe that people do not make beneficial decisions. Every human being knows that obesity poses risks to heart attacks, and it would be misguiding if one assumes that most of the Americans choose their diet optimally. They argue that peoples choices are influenced by the legal and organizational

Monday, October 14, 2019

Malaysian Public Administration Essay Example for Free

Malaysian Public Administration Essay This report is only possible with the sincere dedication of our group members and Dr. WasonLueangpapat, Public Administration Professor. For the members, their contributions and hard work has been the chance to fulfill their part of the distributed duty in Public Administration of Malaysia. As researchers and editors, we especially want to acknowledge the Comparative Public Administration lecturer, Ajarn. Dr. WasonLueangpapat, to his friendly contributed lectures and every example that he has tried to make us understand. Even though, we still did not get them. The other groups that we must acknowledge are our parents who bring us up and sponsor for every tutorial fee and other financial supports. Finally, an untold number of people made it possible for us to work on this Malaysia report, including friends and former teachers in high school. We deeply appreciate the support and contributions of all. This report is a term assignment that we must research and analyze; (1) structure, (2) process, (3) challenge, and (4) change in public administration of interested country. In this report, these topics allow answering such questions as: * What is the general background of Malaysia? What is the Malaysian’s governmental structure and process? * What are the challenges of Malaysian’s public administration? * How Malaysia deals with those upcoming challenges? This report has included what topics that ajarn. Wason has mentioned during Qamp;A on our group presentation, Decentralization and local governance in Malaysia: * British Colonial Legacy * Decentralization * Inter-Governmental Relationships Community Relations and Emerging Recentralization * Process Toward Recentralization and Weakening on Decentralization * Reinforcing Centralization Restructuring and Impact on Decentralization * Where to Decentralization? This report required a lot of time consuming because there are many detail to research and look through. Therefore members attempted to copy and paste information into this report which was considered as plagiarism. As the editor of this report, I had already asked them to make every copy and paste into their own languages and paraphrases. We had tried our best to accomplish this paper. Please give us a suitable mark.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Pros And Cons Of Exporting Marketing Essay

The Pros And Cons Of Exporting Marketing Essay This report talks about what exporting is and why many countries take part in exporting, the strategies used in Exporting, the types of methods of exporting and the advantages and disadvantages of exporting. Countries with advanced economies and services are usually the ones who have the largest economic activity. These service producing industry firms market their offerings in foreign countries. These include industries such as education, engineering, construction, architecture, travel, transportation, insurance, banking, finance, professional business services information and entertainment. An example could be construction firms who usually send their employees to other countries to go and work on major projects. Service professionals such as accountants engineers and business consultants often provide their services via the internet, the telephone by mail and by visiting customers in their own countries. Also entertainment like Hollywood who export their movies and videos earn billions of dollars. PMI mortgage is a small Insurance firm who mortgage insurance packages to foreign markets. Insurance packages can be created in a central location such as London and then exported via mail a nd the internet to customers located in other countries. The firm enjoys considerable success in Asia and various European countries.Cavusgir, Knight, Riesenberger Pearson International Business Edition: page 388-389. These sales are different from other domestic sales from the side of the seller. Its someone else who decides that the product can be sold to customers located in foreign countries because theres demand for it. This would lead to the original seller not being aware of exporting details. However, many countries take a huge interest when they discover that their product has demand overseas and are actually being exported. Seeking out domestic buyers who represent foreign end users or customers Many general contractors, foreign corporations, foreign trading companies, foreign distributors and agents just purchase for exports. These purchase a wide variety of goods and services. In this case some companies may know that their products are being exported but it is still the buyer who handles any risk involved and details of exporting. Exporting Indirectly through Intermediaries. This is when a company engages the services of an intermediary who is capable of finding foreign buyers in foreign markets for its products. International trade consultants, Export Trading Companies or Export Management Companies can give an exporter access to good trade contacts. But yet the exporter can still retain some control over the process and can still realize some of the other benefits of exporting such as market opportunities, new technologies and foreign competitors. Exporting directly This is an approach where a company directly exports to foreign markets. This strategy is difficult and ambitious because it requires the company to handle every aspect of the exporting process from market research and planning foreign distributions and collections. There needs to be a lot of involvement of mangers because it needs their time and attention. However such an approach is good because maximum profits are gained as well as long term growth. 2.2 INTERMEDIARIES USED IN EXPORTING Sales Representatives This intermediary uses the companies products which are then made present to potential buyers. Sales representatives usually work on commission basis, assume no risk or responsibility and are under contract. The contract defines territory, terms of sales, methods of compensation and procedures to terminating the agreement. Agents This is a representative who has authority to make decisions or commitment oh behalf of the firm they are representing. Its important to have a contract that states whether the agent does or does not have the legal authority to obligate the firm. Distributors This when an individual or company purchase goods and re-sells it for profit. The distributor provides support and service for the product. Distributors usually handle a range of non conflicting products. Foreign Retailers This is when companies directly sale to foreign retailers. This method relies on traveling sales representatives who directly contact foreign retailers. 2.3 ADVANTAGES OF EXPORTING It increases economies of scale and reduces per unit cost of manufacturing. It diversifies customers base and reduces dependency on home markets therefore risk is spread. An example can be if a product is not selling in selling country a firm can have back up because the same product may be doing so well and selling in other countries. It increases market share, increases profit and sales volume better than the domestic market. It increases flexibility and reduces the risk if they face circumstances beyond their control, they can easily withdraw from an export market share. The cost of entering a foreign market is so less because they are not investing or creating any physical presence there. So its easy for a firm to use exporting to test new markets before deciding to commit to greater resources through foreign direct investment. Leverage the capabilities and skills of foreign direct distributors and other business partners located abroad. Enhance domestic competitiveness: Most companies become competitive in the domestic market before they venture in the international arena. Being competitive in the domestic market helps companies to acquire some strategies that help them in the international arena. Gain global market share: By gaining international companies a firm will participate in the global market and gain a piece of their share from the huge international market place. Compensate for Seasonal Demands: Companies whose products or services are only used at certain seasons domestically may be able to sell their products or services in different foreign markets during different seasons. Create potential for company expansion: Companies who venture into exporting business usually have a presence or representation in the foreign market. This might require additional personnel and thus lead to expansion. Sell excess production: Companies who have excess production for any reason can probably sell their products and not be forced to give deep discounts or even dispose of their excess production. Gain Knowledge and Experience: Going international can yield valuable ideas and information about new technologies, new marketing techniques and foreign competitors. The gains can help a companys domestic and foreign business. Expand Product life cycle: Many products go through stages of the product life cycle. Once the Product reaches the final stage, maturity in a given market, the same product can be introduced in a different market where the product was never marketed before. 2.4 DISSADVANTAGE OF EXPORTING Exporting does not require the firm to have a physical presence in the foreign market and this would lead to management havening fewer opportunities to learn about customers and other aspects of the market. Not having direct contact with customers from a foreign market would mean the exporter would fail to perceive opportunities and threats and may not acquire the knowledge that it needs to succeed in the long term. Exporting requires management to spend time and effort to learn about freight forwarders, documentation, foreign currencies and new financing methods this usually puts a strain on firm resources. Exporting is sensitive to tariffs and other trade barriers as well as fluctuations in exchange rates. Extra costs: It takes more time to develop extra markets and the payback periods are longer, the up-fronts costs for developing new promotional materials allocating personal to travel and other administrative costs assuasive to market the product can strain the major financial resources of small size companies. Production modification. When exporting companies need to modify their products to meet foreign country safety and security codes and other import restrictions. At a minimum, modification is often necessary to satisfy the importing country labeling or packaging requirement. Financial Risk: Collections of payments using the methods that are available (open account, prepayment consignment, documentary collection and letter of credit) are time consuming and can be complicated, countries have to carefully weigh the financial risk involved in doing international transactions. Market information: Find information on foreign markets is unquestionably more difficult and time consuming. Before a firm decides to export it first has to go through certain steps in order for them to know if they would be doing the right thing or not for example by assessing potential markets, acquiring appropriate skills and competences. 3.0 TYPES OF EXPORTING The two types of ways an organization can export are through indirect of direct exporting. An organization can choose between the two depending on what they want to achieve in terms of market share, increase of customers and quantity of products. They can also choose according to what management can handle. For example a company that produces tie and die outfits can decide to export through indirect or direct export. If they feel that management can not be able to mange exporting directly they can use indirect export as a means of entering into a foreign market. 3.1 INDIRECT EXPORTING This is when a firm contracts with intermediaries that are located in their own home market. The intermediarys then sale the products to customers located in foreign markets on behalf of the company. An example is Lafarge Zambia PLC who deals in cement and distributes their products to a local client within Zambia. The client then decides to re sale the product across borders to customers located in countries like DRC, Angola, Mozambique and Malawi. There are different indirect exporting options which are available and these are: International trading companies These are companies that buy and sale products internationally. They establish branches in certain countries around the world and each branch operates as a separate business unit buying from local markets and selling the products to other branches which are located in other countries. Like the Japanese who are well known and active in countries like South Africa and have companies like Mitsui and Itochu .As well as Gerber Goldschmidt Group. These companies go beyond buying and selling, they may even by a stake in a local market and in the end they become Trading companies or Export Trading Companies. Multi National Companies These are companies who have subsidiaries located in different foreign countries. Usually countries in the motor vehicle industry like Toyota, Ford of BMW buy raw materials and components and use these inputs in their manufacturing process. These companies then export their products around the world. So components that they used from their home country are found in overseas countries and yet to the supplier in the local market saw this as a local purchase. Tourist Purchase These are foreigners who travel and visit new countries depending on where they are like in South Africa they can purchase products likes wines, fruits and gifts that they take back home. To the supplier this was seen as a local purchase. Piggybank Exporting This is when companies sell their goods internationally and who already have a market network abroad. In order to maximize the power or popularity the company decide to have complimentary products to their existing range of products which they sale through their networks to their foreign customer base. 3.2 ADVANTAGES OF INDIRECT EXPORTING It not a risky strategy Depending on the intermediary used indirect exporting requires minimal involvement because they dont concern themselves with shipment and other logistics. It allows firms to focus on their home country rather than focus on other countries which make the work become hectic. An example can be Trade kings limited who produce sweets, soaps and washing powder. Exporting in indirectly is good for them because it allows them to pay more attention to their domestic customer needs which help them to serve them better and come up with quality products. You can easily point at someone else incase theres a problem or error so it limits their liability. Selling through an intermediary is cheap and it saves up on time. The intermediary sometimes answers questions from the consumer and provides technical support. 3.3 DISSADVANTAGES OF INDIRECT EXPORTING Theres no direct contact with the end user which can cause a firm to not knowing how they can improve their product and how the consumer feels about their product. An example can be a shoe making company who exports indirectly cannot be able to know what customers feel about their product and what they can do to make a better product and to gain more customers. The intermediary used will still require sales support from the firm that they purchase from. Firms who export indirectly have less control on the final transactions made. When an intermediary is used firms do not get the whole hundred percent the intermediary also get a margin. Using intermediaries slows down a firms expansion in the long term around the world because they would not get to learn about the different types of markets. An intermediary cans sometimes sale similar products as to the one a firm has as well as a product that is directly competitive to a firm. An example is when someone when the intermediary sales Black Opal make up and MAC make up these two compete with each other which can cause conflict. When an intermediary is selling the product they may not do it as well as the actual firm because putting a product in another persons hands means that the other person can sale it they want to and some sales wont reflect the goodness of an organization. 3.4 DIRECT EXPORTING This involves the direct selling of products using intermediaries located in foreign markets. Firms who usually export directly to foreign markets usually make some internal changes to their organization and these internal changes they make have to support more complex functions than that the ones that were there before. Direct exporters normally choose the markets where they think they can easily operate, easily give them profit and can increase their market share as well as which one would have good distribution channels. When a firm decides to sale to customers it prevents other businesses taking part of their margins. However this approach requires a large commitment of financial and human resources and takes some time to gain good relationships with customers, negotiate deals and understand the market. 3.5 ADVANTAGES OF DIRECT EXPORTING The firm is in control of their pricing, they decide how much to sale the product for. An example can be a firm who makes hair products. If they can export directly they can easily come up with a price that suits them rather than letting someone else sell the product for them and coming up with their own price. The firm takes total control of their brand and brands it according to what suits them. They get to have direct contact with their customers who help them come with ways of how they can satisfy their customers and come up ways of how to produce high quality products which will suit the needs of the customer. Its easy to identify opportunities. Customers prefer to deal with producers directly so this in the end becomes easy for the customer and producer and in the end a customer relationship is made. 3.6 DISADVANTGES OF DIRECT EXPORTING Its expensive because it needs s of time and energy, staff resources and requires a lot of money. Sometimes they would not be able to respond to customers as quickly as the way the local agents to do it They have to handle all logistics and risks. Depending on which country they export to the may have a problem because of the language barriers and cultures. 4.0 CONCLUSION Exporting is one of the best ways of entering foreign markets. In the world that we live in today many countries have now engaged themselves into exporting rather than depending on their domestic market. Exporting also gives a chance to consumers in a local market because they would not have to travel to find a product because through exporting they get to find the products in their home market. Exporting has given lots of firms and countries a huge increase in profit and has developed many economies.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers

Chapter 1: The Sound of the Shell Piggy and Ralph meet up with each other after escaping from their shot-down plane. A large scar was made in the untouched jungle, symbolizing the first of man's destruction on the island. A war is going on in the outside world, and now for the rest of the book, everyone will be isolated from it and put into their own "world." Piggy spots a conch shell, and tells Ralph how to use it to make a noise. Ralph does so, and calls all of the other boys on the island who crashed down with the plane. Jack and his Choir, Simon, Sam and Eric, and many other characters join in an assembly (including the littl'uns, which are the youngest kids at about 6 or 7 years old). Rules are set down, and Ralph is to be chief. There is no one else on the island but the young boys, so Jack decides to take his choir out to hunt for wild pigs, although he is unsuccessful in killing a small pig with his knife. Significance: While Jack's first attempt to kill the pig failed, his quote "next time..." foreshadowed his future of savage hunting. Chapter 2: Fire on the Mountain Ralph calls another assembly, and reminds everyone that they are completely alone on the island, and there are no adults. Jack recounts his failure in killing the pig, and reiterates the need for skilled hunters. Several rules are made up, such as "whoever holds the conch gets to speak." Unexpectedly, an unnamed littl'un with a birthmark on his face tells about a "beastie" that he saw somewhere on the island. The general consensus from the others is that there is no such thing, and it must be his imagination. Ralph then suggests making a signal fire, which would be necessary if they hope to get rescued. The boys scramble off to gather wood to build a fire. Unsure of how to light it, they finally grab Piggy's specs and focus the sunlight to ignite their fire. They were not careful, however, and soon the fire is engulfing half the forest near the mountain. The little boy with the birthmark is noticed to be missing, swallowed up by the raging fire. Significance: Piggy is averse to most of the other boys, who he thinks are acting like little children (they are children, obviously, but Piggy acts like the adult figure).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Symbolism and Imagery

Choices, one would have to make a lot of these in his lifetime. While there are minor choices, there are major ones, either way, making a choice never come so easy. Making a choice is one of life’s most challenging hurdles each and every person would have to go through. It is one of those times when all of man’s senses are at work. The eyes need to see what to watch out for, as far as it can navigate through the blinding horizon. The ears need to heed the advices of those who has been there and done that, and do their own assessment of hard lessons that come by. The nose needs to smell the roses from time to time as life does not always have to be without pleasures, happiness from simple things fuels the soul to go on and move on. The mouth needs to shout out to release the madness it cannot contain much as it renders a smile at life whenever blessings come its way. And the sense of touch needs to feel the hard trails ahead as it needs to bleed every so often to remind him that he is human and that pain makes him stronger. In the like manner, it needs to feel the smoothness of the sail for no matter how hard the circumstances turns out to be, life is good and it is certainly a thing of beauty beyond words and human comprehension. At certain points in life, one is confronted by certain yields in the road he threads on. These are the moments when he has to make a decision. And yes only one way to go. Every choice a person makes becomes the essential elements that define his whole being. Robert Frost’s poem, A Road Not Taken was written with the use of symbolisms. The poem was about making life changing decision as well as the repercussions of every choice one makes. It tells more than having to pick a single road to thread. While the choice one makes is crucial no one knows for sure what lies beyond the bend of either way. After all, life is a journey and its destination is kept a mystery until one reaches the conclusion as the sun sets to mark the end of his beautiful life. The moment one takes his first stride on that road he chooses to thread, he can never take a step back and walk the other way. The wood Frost speaks about in this poem is symbolic of the world man lives in. On the other hand, the dark wood is symbolic of the solitude of oneself on which confines the finest literary works begins to materialize. Most people choose the other of the two roads particularly the one that is usually trodden for it promises a not so complicated path. As a dictate of human nature, people would not dare take the road less traveled for naturally if one has a choice, he would go for the one with less hassles, with less challenges, with less pain. Frost also utilized imagery in this particular poem that he wrote. The leaves that are kept undisturbed on the ground tell the readers that the road they cover is less traveled by. While making a choice is a fact of life and as usual and certain as the rising and setting of the sun, every time one does make a choice, it is almost as if he has never done so. The imagery of this poem implies the need to choose one of the two roads, where none gives even just a hint of what is laid in store for every traveler who walks by. The poem’s structure is one that is frank, distinct, and strong at the same time. Its focal point is on making a choice, the right one at that as well as the thoughts that runs through one’s brain every time he has to make life – changing decisions. The speaker in the poem opted to thread in the road that is less traveled by. This choice he made does tell so much about who he is and what he is made of. He is one of the few who would dare to set apart from all the rest who would rather stay in their comfort zones for fear of not being able to surface the challenge that lies ahead. He is characteristically more bold, valiant, and full of pride. He knew for a fact that there is not need to conform and seeking to be different can give a tremendous amount of satisfaction in the end. He is someone who is certain about what he wants to gain out of life. For him, conformity is a dead end. The faith he has for his beliefs, he chooses to keep. He knows when and how to battle it out whenever fate tests his principles and the values he holds in high regard. He is someone at peace with his individuality and his uniqueness, the very elements that defines who he is in all the ways that matter. He knows that he is very much capable of making that choice that could do him good. He has confidence that he can very well navigate his life and take charge of his own fate no matter what it takes and how hard it can be. While no one will ever know what could have been if he opted for the road he did not choose, regrets may come naturally. Nonetheless, not taking the easy way out is more fulfilling and thus makes all the difference. For when one deems that he made the right choice, regrets are much easier to dismiss. Each and every person alive live with choices until the last time he gasps for air to breathe. Every choice has its own share of repercussions and do create an impact and leaves a mark in each life it touches. In conclusion, this poem is one piece of poetry that outlives its author. It is timeless as it leaves a lesson that remains true today and even after several years more since it was written. It helps its readers to contemplate more on every choice they make as it would navigate the wheels of life in more ways than one and in every imaginable circumstance there is. Indeed, making a choice is one of life’s most challenging hurdles each and every person would have to go through. For inevitably, every person would have to make a decision for every opportunity in his life wherein he is required come up with one. Whenever he does, he must make it a point that he does so in the best of his ability. All because every choice he makes determines every twist of fate in the life he leads. And every choice he decides upon makes or breaks the life he worked so hard to live the best way he knew how. Works Cited â€Å"A Road Not Taken.† 2008. Retrieved May 9, 2007, from

Thursday, October 10, 2019

“Houzit” Marketing management plan Essay

Marketing objectives The market for home-wares in Brisbane is estimated last year at $175 million per annum with an anticipated growth rate of the percent in the coming year. Here I outline the following marketing objectives: 12% market share (up from 11%) Increase in sales by 8.5% over last year’s result No expansion stores are planned during this phase of consolidation and on average the stores achieved $24,680 per week for the year. Marketing activities Here we present the marketing activities that show potential for the organization’s growth in seasonal demand that occurs during this period. Increased marketing – focus on magazine advertising and PR In-store promotions– in-store displays will feature advertising visuals and ink the featured products with other areas in Houzit’s assortment. Web based promotions- the company’s web page will also carry the advertising visuals on the home page and will use the PR copy in article marketing on popular article content sites. The webpage will be targeted towards the key words found in the PR article and featured in the advertising of ‘stylish bathroom’ and ‘exotic mirrors’. These keywords will also be secured via pay-per-click traffic directing. Focus in bathroom fittings and mirror categories with linkages to the other two categories of bedroom fittings and decorative items. Key driver in achieving the marketing objectives is through the opportunity of having advertising space together with a PR write up in one of the leading home-ware magazines and their website. For the next six months the marketing plan calls for increased marketing to match the growth in seasonal demand that occurs during this period. Integration of organizational activities Advertising visuals and links will be displayed throughout at Houzit’s assortment and web homepage. Company Web address line of ‘Find us at’ will be displayed on all materials. PR copy- used in article marketing on popular article content sites. The webpage will be targeted towards the Key word throughout. These keywords will also be secured via pay-per-click traffic directing. Distribution and pricing Online retailing a new distributional channel- Company have decided to update the webpage so that the customers can order and pay online. The Price of imports will be monitored against competitors and exchange rate on daily basis because imports were usually an area of high margins for the company and any loss there could be a serious issue. KPIs Market share = store sales/total estimated market sales Marketing cost of customers acquisition = cost of marketing / Total new business acquired Delegation of roles and responsibilities Marketing manager – enjoy taking responsibility for the in-store promotions because it keeps me connected with key personnel and trend in merchandise category sales. Tony – he is a specialist search engine optimizer and webpage designer Marie – advertising /PR Lamberts consulting – market research and marketing audits Communication Strategies Marketing communications is a rather generic term for a very important function of marketing. Communicating and disseminating information has become increasingly important. While public relations are a form of marketing communications, the role encompasses much more, including content development, product positioning and brand messaging. Thus we will use the below methods to communicate effectively:- 1. Shared emails 2. Formal meetings 3. Informal meetings 4. Team visits – stores 5. Progress chart Assessment Task 2 – Case study analysis Staffing support plan Strategies: 1. Setting goals Will organise weekly meeting by providing to employees where can achieve greatest return that to work toward and has the potential to increase productivity in the workplace. 2. Providing Feedback We believe that consistent feedback from mentors and coaches not only helps improve employee performance, but it ensures employees are not caught off guard when disciplined for poor performance. 3. Celebrations and Rewards Celebrations and rewards will build respect for the mentor or coach and help employees see that the individual is not only there to criticize but also to share in employee success. 4. Collaboration Managers will provide for new employees to collaborate with as they begin working with a Houzit. I believe that managers help employees learn to navigate an organization and how to complete tasks effectively. Resources Marketing outcome model: ROI – Return on investment Feedback Providing the feedback using the Star model: An easy way to remember the elements of effective feedback is to use the acronym STAR. ST – Situation or Task. What was the problem, opportunity, challenge or task? A – Action. What was said or done to handle the situation or task? Remember to provide developmental feedback and areas for improvement. R – Result. What was the impact of the employee’s efforts, and how did their actions influence the end result? Here’s an example of using the STAR model to provide positive feedback. ST – â€Å"Thanks for completing the spreadsheet on resource allocation I requested.† A – â€Å"You provided all of the data I asked for and got it to me on time.† R – â€Å"I was able to bring the data to a  planning meeting with our director, where we used it to create a strong resource plan for next term.† Scenario 1 One-on-one coaching will include Role-play activities Testing and reviewing answers Meetings to encourage the employee to perform and homework in which answers are reviewed The manager provides the individualized coaching to her employee. May set up a time line with preset intervals to review progress Scenario 2 Performance measurement and Corrective actions such as: Ask the employee to rate themselves Provide a written performance review to the employee Make sure that can back up any positives and negatives with specific examples Conduct a review meeting within 48 hours of the written performance review Note and file any employee comments and then ensure that the final version goes on file. Customise the one-on-one coaching template of Houzit company’s requirements and hand to employees to complete prior to a performance review. Identifying weaknesses: To evaluate our employees’ weaknesses we will consider factors such as: Tardiness Communication problems Lack of enthusiasm or drive Poor comprehension of materials or program Difficulty getting along with others. We will work with each employee to come up with measurable goals for improvement. For example: devise a system to track each employee’s progress and check in regularly. If an employee has a problem with attendance or tardiness, for instance, create an attendance chart and offer positive reinforcement, such as praise or recognition for good attendance each week. For employees with technical problems or a lack of understanding, offer training on computer programs or systems. Other ways to track employees’ progress may include having employees keep track of their daily or weekly  sales numbers. For more subjective areas, such as people skills, consider holding office seminars on topics such as diversity, compromise or communication or paying for employees to attend training. Offer incentives for the training — such as lunch for all participants or a certificate. Assessment Task 3 – Marketing performance report Marketing objectives The estimate for home-wares is currently $199 mln p.a up from $175 mln This year’s predicted growth 10% and expecting to continue for the next 5 years Average weekly sale has grown $28,200 although expectation was 8.5% growth on $24,680 Market share targeted 12% Last 6 months marketing expenditure: Advertising- $250,000 PR- $30,000 In store promotion- $60,000 Internet marketing-$100,000 The cause of the profit increase was we have successfully implemented the new strategies by actively engaging to achieve the marketing objectives. There was a seasonal demand that occurred during the last year by giving growth in share from10-12%. Increase in share will be remained in next force able 5 years, which is giving more opportunity to Houzit stay in the market specifically continue to focusing on magazine advertising and PR, together with in store promotions. Also, we should invest more on web based promotions in the next marketing period. With a growing market we should maintain the market share to bring to the Houzit solid and controllable growth. Targets We should maintain our high performance as much as we can. There will be a large growing increase in interstate migration consequently the home-wares and the building activity for at least next five years. REFERENCES 1. Joshi, Rakesh Mohan, (2005) International Marketing, Oxford University Press, New Delhi and New York 2. Philip Kotler, Philip.; Kevin Lane Keller (2006). Marketing Management, 12th ed.:).Pearson Prentice Hall 3. Clancy, Kevin J.; Peter C. Kriegafsd (2000). Counter intuitive Marketing. The Free Press 4. Porter, Michael (1998). Competitive Strategy (revised ed.). The Free Press. 5. Kotler, Philip.; Kevin Lane Keller (2006). Marketing Management, 12th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall 6. Ries, Al; Jack Trout (2000). Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind (20th anniversary ed.) 7. Porter, Michael (1998). Competitive Advantage (revised ed.). The Free Press

Staying Focus Essay

   Staying focus To know the real man behind the name Cleveland, starts with my dynamic support team, my family. I was fortunate to have a strong foundation in the beginning, that is still on going today. That being said, it has kept me grounded and able to give me the unique abilities that I have in me today. The ability to turn my negatives into positives. Dwelling on issues and difficult situations that occur in my life, is not something I waste my time doing. Searching for solutions, while always finding the positives is what I’m about. Being interested in tasks in my life keeps me constantly planning and preparing for the next phase. Which is teaching Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps in one of Texas’s finest High School. I have given over twenty years of my life to the United States Army, with no regrets. I never lost that passion for our United States Armed Forces. So my interest now, that it is time for another chapter in my life, which is to teach our next generation the tools in life in setting goals and knowing how to achieve them to become successful in this world. I look forward to sharing (teaching) with them what that experience has taught me. I will conquer that by informing them how it has empowered me to never give up on dreams. Also letting them know how it has taught discipline, integrity, values, respect, honor and leadership. Among other things such as great sacrifices, for example ; one of my greatness sacrifices that I have made ( with no regrets) for it has and still is my family. It was not easy being absent from my love ones for long periods at a time. Praying and hoping that it would not be the last time that I saw them again, but that was a sacrifice I was willing to make to ensure a better life for my family and the world. I am very passionate about my family. They are the back bone, as I stated before my strong foundation that represents me. My family keeps me motivated and focus. My wife is constantly reminding and assuring me that nothing is impossible for me to achieve. My gifts, as my lovely wife would explain is that I have â€Å"the gift of Gab†. I have always been fortunate in being introduce to individuals of high statue, which was caused by someone I made a good impression on. I have been able to touch others lives in a special way that was positive just by conversation. I am a true believer that a great personality goes a long way in this world. My talents goes a long way, from the basketball courts, football fields and now the golf course. The one talent that I am happiest about is I love helping people achieve things in life that they could never imagine doing. Over the years while being a recruiter for the United States Army I met lots of people with no dreams or aspiration to succeed, but after spending a couple of hours with me they changed their views. When ever I approached people my goal was to always put a

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Film the Patriot and the Use of Important Terminologies Like Social Co Term Paper

Film the Patriot and the Use of Important Terminologies Like Social Conflict, Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management - Term Paper Example With this in mind, it should be known that communication is the process of exchanging message between individuals. Without a proper communication, it might be difficult for people to relate together. Everyone needs to have effective communication skills because it is necessary in promoting a healthy interpersonal communication. For example, if one chooses to be a critical listener, one might find it much easier to relate with others. This is due t the fact that one can lend ears to other people as they speak thus encouraging them to have confidence in one another. However, when people can not effectively communicate, it means that they can not do anything including resolving their own conflicts (Mayer, 2012). This paper presents a discussion on the use of effective communication skills by people. It does this by alluding to the film the Patriot and goes ahead to analyze the use of important terminologies like social conflict, interpersonal conflict and conflict management. The Patriot is a film which was written by Rodat Robert, produced by Gordon Mark, Garry Levinson and Delvin Dean and directed by Emmerich Roland. The 2000 released 175 minute-long film features Mel Gibson (Benjamin Martin); Heath Ledger (Gabriel Martin); Logan Lerman (William Martin); Gregory Smith (Thomas Martin); Joely Richardson (Charlotte Selton); Trevor Morgan (Nathan Martin); Tchà ©ky Karyo (Major Jean Villeneuve); Jason Isaacs (Colonel William Tavington); Mika Boorem (Margaret Martin); Bryan Chafin (Samuel Martin); Joey D. Vieira (Peter Howard); Lisa Brenner (Anne Patricia); and Chris Cooper (Colonel Harry Burwell). Although it was composed much later, the film depicts a real story of the events that took place in colonial America during the American Revolutionary War. The setting of the story is done in the heart of a rural Village in York County, South Carolina. It brings a story that revolves around the life of Benjamin Martin, an aging widower who was now left with the responsibility of bringing up his nine children.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Financial Markets and Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial Markets and Institutions - Essay Example Financial intermediaries have played a major role the development and growth of the world’s economy. The financial institutions such as banks and other financial institutions such as microfinance institutions, investment ventures, and Sacco’s provide funds for the development of businesses operations. The Financial intermediaries help investors to save to improve their living conditions. For example, finance institutions give loans to small enterprises and individuals who make take less risky loans but give high returns in terms of interest rates. These returns are used to provide loans for other investors. Banks and credit unions take money that has been saved and use the money to give loans to investors; mutual funds take contributions from a group of investors and invest in a high investment requiring assets which individual investors would not have been able to invest in alone thereby spreading the risk. Financial intermediaries that encourage savings include retire ment benefits institutions, housing finance institutions, insurance companies, and mutual funds where members of the public are encouraged to save for their old ages, investment purposes, and better housing. In a country where a culture of savings and borrowing is encouraged there is a significant change in the living standards of the citizens leading to development and growth of the country’s economy in general. The financial institutions encourage savings while using those savings to lend out to the individuals or the organizations that want to borrow money to invest. Financial intermediaries receiving capital from those willing to invest and in turn disbursing it to those willing to borrow capital achieve this. Allen and Santomero (1999, pp. 1-42) reported that financial intermediaries play a role in providing an avenue for organizations to access the financial markets. Financial intermediaries have been known to undertake underwriting and acting as agents to the stock exc hange. When financial intermediaries undertake underwriting they are able to market the shares and other instruments on behalf of their clients as well as advise their clients on the best offer that they can attain maximum capital. The Financial intermediaries provide a channel to the financial market to their clients through underwriting. Financial intermediaries also play a role in providing credible information to their clients. The Financial intermediaries are able to represent their clients in the market by providing consultative services about the stock market. Most banks in the twenty first century have formed a different department that deals with stock market consultative services. The financial intermediary investigates for the best possible investment venture for its clients both individuals and organizations. This accrues a fee to the clients who pays the financial intermediary for the services offered (Allen & Santomero 1999, pp. 1-42). Consequently, Allen and Santomero (1999, pp. 1-42) documented that financial intermediaries reduce the lending risks upon utilizing its lending services. There are many syndicates and pyramids in the economy who want to exploit individuals and organizations by providing loans at very high rates. The financial intermediaries have been created by law and are governed by the government through the central bank. The law ensures that all financial intermediaries use a lending rate that does not exploit the members of