Thursday, December 19, 2019

Literary Analysis Of Animal Farm - 1614 Words

When reading something new, we at times feel as if this is a story we’ve read before. Memory of past texts can strengthen these feelings as we identify repeating themes and motifs. Symbolism can push a reader deeper into the story by forcing one to see beyond the surface words and to truly understand the writer and their intentions. Understanding the patterns of writers can allow the reader to separate themselves from the text and examine it with a broader perspective. Recognizing these patterns in literary works can enable a reader to understand a dense text that they would ordinarily find troubling. George Orwell’s Animal Farm is an emblematic novel that reflects the events leading to the Russian Revolution, on the surface level.†¦show more content†¦But, we also must address the underlying cause of the whole story-the fuku. The fuku is considered the main cause of all the challenges and trials that Oscar and everyone in his family must face with. This fuku t hrows low self-esteem, anxiety with girls, and complete dorkiness at Oscar. The few women that do enter his life all come with catches and lead him to self-destruction. One could even see his suicide as one of the trials the fuku throws at him that he must overcome, instead of seeing it as an attempt by him to leave the quest early. Lastly, we come to the real reason to go there. Oscar doesn’t want self-confidence for himself. The entire time he is trying to feel love; to be good enough to compel a woman love him and to break this fuku. Driven to Santo Domingo in the end by his failure. Instead of living for himself and succeeding for the pure joy of succeeding, he does it for women. The only quality he had was his love for comics and anime, and he still used that to find that one girl; the one girl that would be into all the dorkiness that he is into. One of the meal scenes that stood out may not have been seen as a meal to others. Ybon and Oscar’s first meeting toget her. Ybon invites Oscar over for a drink and they end up talking for more than six hours. Or more accurately stated, Ybon talked for more than six hours and Oscar listened. Their relationship continues with them going on more dates, and as highlighted by theShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis : Animal Farm1050 Words   |  5 PagesLiterary Analysis Mollie In Animal Farm there are many controversial figures who also have interesting connections to the Russian revolution. Mollie is among these controversial members of the mythical animal run society. She has connections to the rich prissy people in Russia that when the revolution took place who immediately looked for an easy way out as soon as they had to do work to earn their due. 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